DIY Brown Sugar Bubble Tea Recipe

Brown Sugar Milk Bubble Tea Recipe

For all the bubble tea lovers at home, are you missing your daily dose of bbt? Or if you’re new to this world and looking to try out this beverage, Retea has got your back too! Here is a simple recipe on how to make a classic Brown Sugar Bubble Tea!



  • 1 serving cup (500-700ml capacity)
  • 1 cup to steep tea (>250ml capacity)
  • 1 Assam tea bag
  • 1 cup (250ml) of hot water
  • 1/2 cup (~100ml) of your choice of milk
  • 2 tbsps brown sugar syrup
  • 1 cup of Ice (or as necessary)
  • 1/3 cup of tapioca pearls (or topping of choice --> instructions on its packaging)


  1. Add tea bag + hot water into a separate cup.
  2. Steep tea for 10 mins (+/- 5 mins for a stronger or milder flavour).
  3. While waiting for tea to steep, follow instructions to make your topping of choice.
  4. Drizzle brown sugar syrup on the sides of your serving cup for a tiger stripe effect!
  5. Add your toppings + ice + milk to your serving cup.
  6. Slowly pour your tea on top. Top off with more ice to serve!

    There you have it, your homemade Brown Sugar Bubble Tea! This is a classic drink to learn how to make at home and we’re excited to see all your takes on this beverage. Make sure to tag us at @reteacups on Instagram when you use this recipe.

    Stay tuned for new recipes coming out on our website! We have many interesting drink recipes to share with you and hopefully we all get to make these awesome drinks together. 

    Comments 2

    Nanajee travels on

    “For all the bubble tea lovers out there, if you’re missing your daily dose of bbt or if you’re new to this delicious world, Retea has you covered! Here’s a simple recipe for making classic Brown Sugar Bubble Tea right at home. Enjoy this refreshing treat with ease and satisfy your cravings!”

    Blair MacLaughlin on

    Is there a preferred temperature or temperature range for the hot water to steep the tea in?

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